Installing Room Temperature Controls

Room Temperature Controls

Studies have found that indoor room temperature can significantly impact the performance and health of employees. By keeping your facilities at an optimal temperature, employees perceive better air quality, report less sick building syndrome symptoms, enjoy better comfort, and perform better at their jobs.

But maintaining an optimal temperature can prove difficult for some commercial buildings, which are not well-controlled or have insufficient HVAC systems. Businesses should install room temperature controls to improve air quality and temperature efficiency.

We’ll discuss the benefits of room temperature controls and some practical applications for commercial buildings.

Commercial HVAC Expenses are Costly

Maintaining a commercial building temperature during the hot summer months and cold winters can be expensive, costing an enterprise thousands in energy costs. HVAC expenses typically account for 25%-30% of a commercial building’s utility costs.

Traditional HVAC thermostats allow you to program the temperature based on need but don’t offer the flexibility of customizing temperature based on room needs. These traditional thermostats are very inefficient and can inflate the company’s energy bill.

Commercial HVAC Control Panel with Room Temperature Control

A commercial HVAC control panel allows you to control the thermostat based on room needs and function. By installing room temperature controls, you can manage each room’s optimal temperature and make real-time adjustments to maximize energy efficiency.

Utilizing a Direct Digital Controls (DDC) system, specific room temperatures can be managed and adjusted from a centralized dashboard. You can customize each room based on:

  • Size
  • Energy Consumption
  • Complexity
  • Usage

The DDC system can integrate into your building automation system (BAS), providing a single touchpoint for managing HVAC, lighting, emergency, water, and alarm systems.

Automated room temperature controls continually assess a room’s:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air Pressure
  • Air Quality

Then based on the data it collects, the control system can adapt and adjust based on capacity, schedules, or disruptions. The sophistication of these systems allows for optimal performance and maximum cost savings for the enterprise.

Some automated room control sensors come with artificial intelligence software that can integrate with your BAS. The AI will dynamically assess the different data from the sensors and can adjust the temperature based on the needs of the space.

Do you want to increase the energy efficiency of your HVAC system? Learn more about Edison’s automated room temperature control solutions.

What are the Benefits of an Automated Room Temperature Control?

There are several significant advantages of using an automated room temperature control system:

Energy Efficiency

The most significant advantage is the energy efficiency a business can manage and execute to drive down energy costs while providing an optimal environment for their equipment and employees. The automated room temperature control sensors communicate with the central DDC control system to analyze, adjust and maintain during peak usage hours.

Equipment Longevity

By maintaining optimal temperature zones, businesses can ensure their equipment is well maintained and extend the use of the equipment. The control center can also manage the health of the equipment, alerting you when there is a disruption in the equipment’s performance.

Intuitive Management

By leveraging automatic room temperature controls, you can easily manage, monitor, program, and regulate from a single control center. You can manage your usage from the facility or from home through a phone or portable device.

Customizable Control

By automating specific rooms you can ensure rooms with lots of equipment, like a data center regulate to maintain an efficient temperature 24/7. At the same time you can also decrease air quality in rooms that aren’t used very often like large conference rooms or warehouses. 

Cost Savings

By adjusting the temperatures when rooms aren’t in use or at the end of the day, the building’s energy costs will drop. If you live in hotter or colder climates, then you’ll see a significant energy savings that can drop thousands from your utilities’ expenses. 

If you have an industrial or commercial building that could benefit from a modern HVAC system, contact Edison to learn how they can customize an automated HVAC system for your business.

Related Link: Why Businesses Must Get Electrical Right

What is the Most Efficient Temperature to set your Thermostat?

You can save up to 10% a year by setting your commercial building’s thermometer to 68 degrees in the winter and fall and only running for eight hours a day. Then in the summer, you should increase the temp to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

The business’s environment also plays a big part in building efficiency. Warmer and colder climates will significantly impact savings over more temperate zones in the United States.

Is it Cheaper to Leave Your Thermostat at One Temperature?

No. It is very inefficient to leave your thermostat at one temperature. Using automated room temperature controls, you can increase the cooling or decrease the heat based on usage. When the rooms aren’t in use, you should be adjusting the temps to reduce costs.

Consider Installing Room Temperature Controls for Efficiency and Cost Savings

By continually monitoring and adjusting the room temperature controls to reflect room usage and needs, you’ll be able to save your company significant energy savings and time savings too. 

By following the tip of keeping an unused room ten degrees warmer or cooler will dramatically cut your bill by at least ten percent depending on your climate zone.

Edison is a leading provider of automated room temperature control systems for commercial and industrial properties. Edison’s experienced consultants can customize an energy solution to satisfy business requirements. Edison offers cost savings, efficiency, and insight into your building’s operations.

Do you need to optimize and automate your facility’s HVAC system? Contact Edison for a free consultation to improve your HVAC services.

Related Link: The Best Office Lighting to Improve Productivity

Edison Power and Controls

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