Sensor Installation and Wiring

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We are available to answer your questions. Reach out to us to schedule a free consultation or ask us how to improve your electrical services. At Edison Power and Controls, we’re here to help you with your electrical needs. Please contact us if you would like to speak to someone immediately.

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It can be difficult to get electrical installations right, especially when you want to optimize machine/system performance to lower energy consumption costs and proactively manage the security, maintenance, and operation of different systems in different parts of your building or facility. Even basic errors or oversights can lead to heating/cooling loss, poor HVAC performance, sub-optimal lighting, poor airflow, air contamination, and a host of other issues that have a direct impact on your total cost of ownership and operational costs.

Benefits and Opportunities

You can count on Edison Power to get the job done for you. We can help you with a wide range of electrical and sensor installations, from EV charger installations and HVAC installs to solar energy systems, damper controls, lighting systems, pneumatic systems, chillers/boilers, and more.

Popular Sensor Install Services

Need help with wiring, sensor installs, upgrades, or maintenance for building sensors or equipment? We’re here to help. We offer expert electrical services for all of the following, and more:

Some of these are major projects, such as electrical wiring upgrades and installations involving HVAC machinery and BAS integrations that tie together multiple systems in one centralized location. Edison Power can help you manage your electrical needs within budget and with minimal downtime. Keep your business running while we take care of urgent installs and maintenance in sequence.

Contact an Edison Power Solutions Expert Today

We are just a call away, and we can help you address existing issues and identify potential issues related to wiring, sensor installs, energy consumption, and the safety of your electrical network. Contact us to speak with an Electrical Installation Expert today.

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